
Mash feat. Pongrácz, Mirarab, Dés (AT/IR/HU)

Opus Jazz Club
  • Vincent Pongrácz - clarinet
  • Mahan Mirarab - guitar, fretless guitar, oud
  • András Dés - percussions

Mahan Mirarab and András Dés, the founders of Mash, have been playing together regularly since 2019, after Dés moved to Vienna. The Iranian guitarist and the Hungarian percussionist's joyful musical encounters resulted in rhythmically and structurally fresh compositions that pointed in an inspiring direction for both of them. Vincent Pongrácz, the third member of the trio, opened up new perspectives for the band beyond their common musical intersections – the microtonal, metrically uneven compositions and Pongrácz's clarinet playing on the edge between jazz and hip-hop formed a harmonious unity, giving the band new momentum. Mash is the coming together of three pathfinder musicians with a distinctive sound. In many ways they come from different backgrounds, but their openness and common musical language unite them: they provide a basis for bringing their similarities and differences into harmony and creating something new out of their work together. The trio's debut album will be released in autumn 2024.

Tickets are available for 3000 HUF on the spot, online at, and at InterTicket Jegypont partners across Hungary.

Table reservations are automatically added during ticket purchase.
Please note that if you purchase an odd number of seats, you might have to share the table with others, especially if the concert is sold out.
For the best dining experience please arrive around 7pm.
We hold reservations until 8pm.

For more information, please call +36 1 216 7894


2024 December 07 Saturday