
Schaerer – Biondini – Kalima – Niggli: A Novel of Anomaly (CH/IT/FI)

Opus Jazz Club
  • Andreas Schaerer - voice, mouth percussion
  • Luciano Biondini - accordion
  • Kalle Kalima - electric guitar
  • Lucas Niggli - drums, percussion

“This is our musical offering for a utopian, inclusive society, using a new, free, imaginary language unlimited by origin or cultural boundaries: Anthem for No Man’s Land. Our album title is inspired by our efforts to make art that can see beyond territorial thinking, beyond borders and beyond egoism. We want to express this to our audience, not through a complicated manifesto, but rather through the emotions and the immediacy of our music. We are not just striving to affirm freedom, we want to live it in our music, together with you, dear listener.”

Anyone who has ever been to a concert by this band will have experienced this for themselves. The gatherings of this trans-European quartet are more like a ritual liberation ceremony than a conventional concert. With their previous album A Novel Of Anomaly, the band toured throughout Europe and North America. In over a hundred concerts, they have developed an intense band sound that is unrivalled. Somewhere in no man's land between archaic alpine influences, Italianità, psychedelic rock and multi-ethnic polyrhythms, coupled with explosive interplay and passionate improvisation. Their music is a wild mixture of unexpected twists and turns, crazy sounds and moments full of surprises. Sometimes loud, sometimes quiet, sometimes totally crazy – always different from what you think. Their new album Anthem For No Man's Land will be released by ACT Music in spring 2025.


Jegyek 3900 forintos áron kaphatók a helyszínen,
az InterTicket országos JEGYPONT hálózatában, valamint a oldalon.

Az asztalfoglalásokat legkésőbb 20 óráig tudjuk fenntartani!

Telefon: +36 1 216 7894

2025 April 22 Tuesday