FreshFolk | Sára Tímár: The star has already risen
- Sára Tímár - vocals
- Dániel Szabó - cimbalom
- Mátyás Bolya – koboz
- Lehel Hargitai-Halászi - flutes
- Tamás Nyitrai - violin
- Márton Fekete - contra
- András Lelkes - double bass
- Alíz Sarkadi-Szabó - vocals
Sára Tímár is a unique, experimental singer of her generation, who won the Junior Prima Award in 2011 in the category of Hungarian folk art. As a member of the Sebő ensemble, she came into contact with the world of sung poems, and she seeks the creative possibilities of folk singing as the founder of the Dalinda choir. She presented two of her records (Minek nevezzelek, Református HÁLAÉNEK népzenével) at the Academy of Music in front of a full house. This year, her latest Christmas single will be released in Advent, titled Feljött immár az a csillag (The star has already risen). Sára Tímár tells the story of this latest album:
"»The star has already risen, wake up those who sleep!« – (Feljött immár az a csillag, keljenek fel kik alusznak!) This phrase sounds in our beautiful Christmas carol. The holidays of the year can provide a framework for our lives, giving us a look at where we are on the path to becoming loved. In this order, the end of the year is in a privileged place, which always means a kind of internal summation, closing, waiting, and a new start for me. We find it difficult to get into the state of grasping the reality of what the birth of Christ means. The poem of Ágnes Nemes Nagy faithfully interprets this idea for me, so I chose it as the title of the starting song of the album. The mood moves from the gray, gloomy state to the light, as the three kings slowly, step by step, get to the cradle. I also wanted to visualize this process musically, so with the help of Dániel Szabó, while preserving the purity of traditional Christmas songs, we brought to life a new musical sound that emerges from the authentic musical environment of the Christmas songs ”.