

Opus Jazz Club
  • Pozsár Eszter - fuvola, altfuvola, szopránszaxofon
  • Eichinger Tibor - gitár
  • Frey György - basszusgitár
  • Pusztai Csaba - dob, ütőhangszerek

Formed in 2005, Trans-formation is distinguished by their unique sound, thanks to the special selection of instruments they use. The rhythm section, accompanying the flute or soprano saxophone, is comprised of guitar, bass guitar and percussion. Each member of the group made also detours to different music styles as well. In their compositions these genres, their experience and emotions are transformed into a one-of-a-kind music ’fabric’ – hence their name, TRANS-FORMATION. The music they play can be categorized only in the widest sense of the word as jazz, as it often contains elements of contemporary music or sometimes is seasoned by influences of world music as well. “Contemporary jazz fantasies” is probably the best term to describe it, transmitting wide range of emotions – melancholic, loud, sweet, fiery, acerbic, playful and, at times, grotesque. Üzenet a Hangárból (Message from the Hangar), their fourth album was released in October this year.

Free entry! Please don't forget to reserve a table, as seating at the Opus jazz Club can only be guaranteed in this case. We can keep reservations until 9 p.m.
Tel: +36 1 216 7894

2017 November 08 Wednesday